Although spirituality has been with us since the advent of modern human intelligence, science and technology have caused it to take somewhat of a backseat. However, over recent years it has experienced a renaissance, with countless numbers now embracing its positive benefits. In this guide, Inna Segal details five spiritual practices that can help you to discover the best version of yourself for the summer season.

As the summer sun peeks through your window, it signals more than just a seasonal shift. It heralds an ideal moment to delve into your inner self, forging a radiant makeover from within.

Inna Segal.

Consider this: your internal state of being, your joys and tribulations, reverberate outwards, influencing not only your life experience but also your capacity to attract and seize captivating opportunities.

Such opportunities could encompass anything from the realm of love and business to creativity, enriching your spirit and soul.

Here are five ritual practices poised to deepen your sense of self-appreciation and infuse your life with positivity.

1. Cultivate Self-Love: Our spiritual journey begins with the practice of self-love. It’s an introspective path that compels us to acknowledge aspects of ourselves we’ve judged, neglected, or rejected. These shadow aspects can limit our potential by breeding fear, limitation and self-sabotage.

Reclaim your inner strength and cultivate self-love by recognising and embracing both your shadows and light qualities. We all possess archetypal patterns – the victim, the saboteur, the hermit, the role model, and the queen or king within us.

Unveiling and embracing these energies can lead to self-acceptance, comfort in our own skin, and a more fulfilling life. Take some quiet moments to write about your perceived weaknesses. Instead of self-judgment, ponder: how can I treat these facets with kindness and understanding? How can these weaknesses be alchemised into strengths?

2. Discover Blessings in Challenges: Life inevitably presents a series of minor and major challenges that can leave us feeling frustrated and depleted. An impactful practice is to perceive every challenge as a golden opportunity for personal growth and development.

Take some time to meditate on: ‘What blessing or opportunity does each challenge contain?’ The swifter you can shift your perspective towards positivity, the more emotionally buoyant you will become.

3. Cultivate Daily Gratitude: Gratitude exercises refocus your attention on the good, the beautiful, and the positive. Make it a habit to acknowledge those who support you, expressing your appreciation for their efforts. An evening ritual of listing five things you are thankful for can set the stage for a peaceful night and an optimistic morning.

4. Harness the Power of Journaling: Journaling helps articulate thoughts, understand emotions, and gain clarity on life’s actions. The written word offers an opportunity for objectivity, perspective-shifting, and assimilation of difficult experiences, allowing you to chart your personal growth.

Begin by documenting your daily emotions, especially concerning difficult circumstances. Then, pen down strategies on how to bolster your courage, nudging you towards self-empowerment.

5. Explore Meditative Practices: Meditation, be it focusing on observing your thoughts, guided or movement-oriented, can be a calming beacon amid life’s turbulence. Consider what form of meditation resonates with you, and make it a part of your life, either through online resources or live classes.

We hope these practices inspire you to embark on a rewarding inner journey. Even embracing one of these practices can lead to enhanced self-confidence, clarity, and expressiveness.

After all, the more time you invest in yourself, the more enriching outcomes you will experience.

As you embrace these practices, you’ll witness a blossoming of positivity, clarity, and self-expression. The more you invest in yourself, the more enriching results you’ll reap, allowing you to live a soulful, vibrant life. May your summer be filled with self-discovery, transformation, and inspiring inner growth.

Inna Segal, a bestselling, award-winning author of several books and cards on wellness and healing, wrote the above guide. Her new book is called Understanding Modern Spirituality. If you would like to learn more about her work, spirituality and her free masterclasses, please visit her website,

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