LM: Describe what guests can expect to experience at one of your spa destinations?
JF: Personalised service that begins pre-arrival, continues through on-site experience, and extends beyond departure into everyday life. We always seek to create programming that impacts physical, emotional and social wellbeing in positive and sustainable ways.

Wellness is always integrated beyond the doors of the spa, in beautiful spaces that calm and delight, into the culture of the resort, the room product and the communal gathering spaces.

We love working with organisations that value thoughtful, experiential travel and sustainable operations that make an impact on the human experience.

LM: Has wellness always played a prominent role in your life? What drove you to it?
JF: For as long as I can remember, I have been fascinated with the physical body, the sophistication of our vital organs, the miraculous pulsations of life in a constant rhythm and the fascinating interconnection with the mind. I was a competitive figure skater throughout my teenage years and yoga was introduced to me as a component of our training program. The practice has brought me to a place where I can connect more intimately with myself, in my relationships, and with the world around me. I went on to study health sciences and health psychology in school and continue to be inspired by and committed to integrating wellness into everyday life.

LM: Which is your top recommended wellness destination and why?
JF: I believe as you practice mindfulness and begin to cultivate joy and peace within, you can begin to experience wellness in the most unexpected places.

Watch for incredible growth in the urban market – for example, residential spaces such as condominiums in city centres and extended living centres for care into the later years of life. People are looking to integrate wellness as a lifestyle in their day-to-day lives, not just when they travel.

Emerging wellness destinations are popping up everywhere. I was recently in Austria for the Global Wellness Summit. Now a favourite destination of mine, Austria offers natural thermal springs that were gathering places for people centuries ago. What is old is new again as we turn our attention away from artificial experiences and products and back to the riches of the natural environment.

LM: In your opinion, can wellness and adventure co-exist in travel?
JF: We have the potential to be our most open-minded selves when we are travelling – what better time to expose yourself to new foods, new places and new experiences. For me, adventure is exploration and discovery which are both integral to the cultivation of wellness, well-being and happiness.

LM: What are the benefits of incorporating wellness into one’s everyday life?
JF: The benefits are quite literally infinite! Of course, we are all aware of the good that comes from simply choosing healthy food and incorporating regular exercise into our days. Expanding beyond these more obvious choices, a simple bedtime ritual such as a 10-minute breathing meditation with the use of calming essential oils or choosing to rise in alignment with the sun can help foster a deeper and more restful sleep/wake pattern which can improve everything from our energy levels, to how productive we are at work and to how patient we are with our children. Meaningful, lasting practices and lifestyle commitments inform our attitudes, our habits and become the foundation of our outlook and approach to life.

Every small positive change has the possibility to create a lasting impact!

*Statistic courtesy of the Global Wellness Institute, 2015 Report.

By Sabi Phagura

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