If the fast paced, unstoppable life has finally caught up with you and you feel there’s never enough hours in the day, then it may mean it’s time to give yourself a break.

And what better way to do it but by taking a trip to Bali known as the island of Gods. Kuta in Bali may be known for its hedonistic life and culture but it’s Ubud that is known as the paradise for the soul. Known for its tranquility, healing and restoring capabilities, this small place takes centre stage in the island. Fivelements, Puri Ahimsa takes on this mission very seriously and have created a healing centre to bridge the wisdom of traditional values and modern day living.

And healed I felt from the moment I stepped into this exclusive nine suite retreat. Each of the rooms are flanked by the Ayung river that carves its way through the valley and faces a verdant hillside forest, often depicted in Balinese paintings. What’s more, you can enjoy the view and listen to the waterfall, while taking a soak in the open air bathtub situated behind a private bamboo enclosure of you’re private bedroom. It was one of the first things I did, having barely unpacked, to soothe myself after the 24 hour journey to get here. Attention to detail was noted from the onset when I discovered the customised lighting design reflecting the bathtub which showcases the seven colours of the chakras, which are meant to bring mind, body and spirit together.

And if you’re impressed with the bath tub, then you’ll be equally impressed with the en suite garden bathroom. The indoor.outdoor bathroom, features a tropical lush garden with a rich masonry wall and a large open sky shower. It’s like walking into the scene of a shampoo advert but with much more natural products sourced from local farmers.

Inside the rooms, a huge Asian style teakwood bed takes centre presence, enveloped by white curtains in a tepee style suspended from the high grass-roofed ceiling. A lounge area in the corner in the same style makes for some quiet reading time or meditation.

Fivelements believe in the power of plant-based, sun-produced, raw vegan living foods to cleanse and heal the body, mind and spirit. If you think a raw food diet is boring and bland, you just need to take a look at the menu at their Sakti dining room. ‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine by thy food.’ This is the philosophy that runs through the kitchens here. Does sweet potato soup, live lasagne, followed by chocolate ganache cake sound less than appetising? I can confirm they are not. And it’s not often I get to eat guilt free dessert. And with such an extensive menu and a chance to develop new tastes, a week’s really not enough. As the chef said, ‘The last thing we put in food is love.’

You can read more of the Luxurious Magazine travels by clicking here