Blancier Handmade Watches brings together the craftsmanship of traditional watchmakers, so it will be a surprise to some that they have patented a system that allows them to intergrade empty Nespresso Cups into their watch design.

Many of the world’s most innovative watch brands discover new and unique materials to differentiate them, but Blancier have taken things to a very innovative new level. The company has created one of the most sustainable watches in the world by recycling used capsures from the popular coffee brand.

The owner of Blancier, Willem Kamerman has started to use the term ‘upcycling’ rather than ‘recycling’, he went on to say “We don’t reuse the cups; we turn the waste into something more attractive and valuable. We move up the chain,”

The Blancier ‘Upcycled Watches’ have been named Grand Cru, owners of these watches will enjoy in the knowledge that they have something both unique and sustainable upon their wrist. The owners attention will be constantly drawn to the design, materials and obvious sustainability used in the manufacturing process.

 “Every time you look at the watch you’re made aware that you don’t have to throw everything away.” said Willem.

The Blancier Grand Cru watches are mechanical, wound by hand, one of the main reasons that the Nespresso capsules were chosen was the material they are constructed from, anodised aluminium. With wear-restistant colours, once pressed and flattened the colouring remains intact, the flattening process uses a 1000 kg weight, resulting in a different face each time, this ensures that the watches will all be both individual and exclusive.

So what prompted Willem to firstly experiment and produce a range of watches from such an unexpected source?

‘The idea of developing this watch came to me while I was waiting to get a coffee at a Nespresso Boutique. I was struck by the fact that the Boutique employees, looking splendid in their smart corporate outfits and even matching shoes, were wearing their “own” watches. As a watch enthusiast I thought how great it would be if every employee also wore a matching watch that was also sustainable. Although Nespresso has a recycling programme, I know from experience that many people still don’t use it. So I thought I would try to make a watch face from a used capsule. It looks simple but it isn’t. It’s a creative product. People get enthusiastic as soon as they see it,”

The Blancier Grand Cru watches are fully sustainable and are presented with a book shaped box that looks so good, it will have to be kept and displayed proudly.