Social media platforms allow their users to voice their views and opinions on specific topics, whether good or bad, and one of the most popular is Twitter. The social media platform is ideal for finding the answer to one often asked question: What is the most loved tech company?

Technology is essential to modern life, with millions of us apparently unable to go a single day without using our smartphones or computers. Recent data reveals that there are 4.66 billion active internet users worldwide, many of whom regularly use services and products from multiple tech brands.

Interested in finding out which tech brands are our favourites, conducted a Twitter sentiment analysis using the online analytics tool SEMrush. After analysing thousands of tweets, can reveal which tech brands have been positively or negatively talked about online the most.

The results:

#1 Huawei
In first place is the Chinese technology giant Huawei, with 65.4% positive tweets. Despite the negative press coverage regarding their trustworthiness, these results show the majority disagree with that assessment. Being the second-largest smartphone manufacturer globally and the world’s largest telecommunications company, Huawei is well on its way to becoming the most influential company in the global tech world.

#2 Google
In second place is Google, with 64.5% of tweets about the company being deemed positive. Google is a dominant player in the tech world and is so popular it is now classed as a verb in the Oxford English Dictionary.

#3 Salesforce
Third place goes to Salesforce, with 58.4% of tweets being positive. Salesforce is a world-renowned cloud-based software company known for providing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) to businesses.

Tech Brands: Negative Tweets
Putting the spotlight on negative tweets, Sony (26.3%) is the tech brand that has the most negative tweets directed towards it, followed by Intel (24.7%) and then Facebook (23.0%).’s senior personal finance expert, James Andrews, provides his top tips on what to consider when buying tech:

1. Define your requirements and budget – With so many brands and models available, it’s hard to know which is the best value for your money. A good first step is to define a budget for what you need, alongside a list of necessities vs desires to help whittle down the best options for you.

2. Compare cost – Comparing prices between tech brands for similar items can help to save you some money. Price comparison tools such as Google Shopping can help you compare different products for the best available price.

3. Compare specs – Tech products require a lot of specialist knowledge, and spec comparison websites such as provide comparisons of these technicalities, from mobile phones to computers, game consoles and more.’


1. Experts at sought to discover which popular tech brands are the most positively and negatively received online.

2. To establish a seed list of brands to analyse, utilised Statista and The Teal Mango to find the top 25 global brands by value in USD ($). Due to the potential conflicting interpretation of ‘Apple’, it was removed from analysis – this left a final seed list of 24 brands.

3. used the online analytics tool SEMrush to collect Twitter data on each tech brand.

4. A collection of the last 10,781 tweets mentioning each tech brand were analysed for positive, neutral and negative sentiments.

5. The data was extracted from Twitter on February 14th and therefore is accurate as of then.

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