A new poll has shown many large businesses have no intention of re-occupying their traditional offices in the near future. So, what are the alternatives? One could be the rather stylish RoadHaus Wedge RV and what makes it so different is you can move it to where you want.

Recently, the BBC questioned fifty of the biggest employers in the UK and asked them when they expected employees to return to the office. Almost half (24) who were asked this question stated they had no plans to return staff to the office in the near future.

This is not entirely unexpected, as we’ve mentioned numerous times in recent articles, the ‘new norm’ is now working from home. Plus, it’s frequently proving to be more cost-effective for a business to operate this way.

The pandemic has meant that many businesses cannot operate as they once did leaving large high-end offices empty. If this continues, what’s the future for the large, expensive offices in our cities? Well, there’s always the possibility of turning them into residential which would go along way in solving the increasing demand for housing.

With so many people now working from home, having the correct set up is key to maximum productivity. Some people working from home will be utilising a spare room, others have the benefit of a purpose-built office in their home.

What other options are out there? If you have some accessible outdoor space such as a large garden, the ultimate would be a purpose-built office, and one of the best portable offices in the market goes by the name of the RoadHaus Wedge RV.

What is the RoadHaus Wedge RV?
The RoadHaus Wedge RV is a 250sqft outdoor home/office. It has a living area large enough to house a couch or meeting table. Heating comes courtesy of a fireplace, and it even has a kitchen, full bathroom and a separate bedroom which could double up as your private office.

It also has an outdoor deck which would be an ideal place to hold a meeting in the fresh air, and it even has protection should the sun be shining too brightly or if the dark clouds start gathering overhead.

The RoadHaus Wedge RV is built on a steel frame and has wheels so you can move it around. Prices for the Wedge RV start from $87,000 which although not within everyone’s budgets, is probably less than the cost to build a dedicated office outside and bear mind you can move this office to suit your mood.

For more information on the RoadHaus Wedge RV, visit www.wheelhaus.com.

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