Unless you’re tired to the point where you can hardly keep your eyes open, getting to sleep when you are flying can be difficult. There are some tips and tricks to make it easier, and in this article, we’ll be asking the experts for their advice.

As covid restrictions lift and the opportunity to travel returns as countries open their borders, more people are flying again, whether for pleasure or work. We asked Health expert April Mayer from Amerisleep for her best tips on getting quality sleep whilst flying.

Do I need a flight pillow?
Investing in a decent neck support pillow for flying will be a lifesaver and can help stop any neck pain as it will adequately support your neck. It will also help you sleep as you won’t feel the need to fidget to get your head comfortable regularly. You may also find an eyemask useful for light exposure and if you are unable to get a window seat and have control of the blind.

How should I buckle my seat belt?
How you buckle your seatbelt is essential for any chance of a good night’s undisturbed sleep in the sky. The idea is that you should buckle it over your blanket instead of under it; this way, flight attendants can see you are wearing it and won’t need to wake you in the case of any turbulence. This will also stop the buckle from feeling uncomfortable and awkward whilst you sleep.

What clothes should I wear?
It’s very important to wear something comfortable, and that isn’t too restrictive or stiff such as tight jeans. Layers are important also as it can feel cold after time on a long-haul flight; this way, you also have the option of removing layers if you get too hot.

How and where should I sit?
Try to reserve a window seat if you can; this way, you can lean on the window if need be and be in control of your light exposure. It’s a good idea to not cross your legs either, as this can reduce blood flow in your legs and make you susceptible to blood clots or being in pain when you wake up. Also, make sure to recline your chair, as this will put less pressure on your lower spine, ensuring a better night’s sleep.

What should I eat?
Try not to overindulge before a flight and go for something light, so you’re not bloated and can doze off easier and avoid being kept awake by feeling too full.

What should I listen to?
Find a podcast you find relaxing and listen to it several times before bed in preparation for your flight. This way, you will be familiar with it and associate it with sleep when the time comes to sleep. Noise-cancelling headphones will also help you get a more undisturbed sleep.

Is there anything I can take to help me sleep?
Our experts suggest taking a dose of magnesium before take-off. It’s a natural supplement that will make it easier for you to rest easy.

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