A 107-year-old woman recently shared her secret to living a long life; yes, you’ve guessed correctly, it’s staying single!

Some of you reading this won’t need reminding of family members asking the dreaded question, “when are you going to find someone?” Or, perhaps you’ve gotten annoyed by couples sharing their plans for Valentines Day? Don’t fret, it’s now your time to shine! February 15th is Singles Awareness Day – a holiday celebrated by single people.

So, what are the health benefits of being single?

1. Less Likely To Become Obese
“When you settle down with a partner, there is a tendency to adopt some of their habits, too. Psychologists from the University of North Carolina have stated, once a couple starts living together, they’re three times more likely to become obese than those who live separately. This is probably down to sharing obesity-related behaviours such as choosing unhealthy snacks and watching TV or playing computer games instead of exercising. Rather than encouraging each other to follow a healthy diet and lifestyle, they are more likely to encourage negative behaviours, so they won’t feel so bad about over-indulging alone.

Apparently, this tendency is strongest once a couple has lived together for at least two years,” explains Dr Sarah Brewer, working in association with the type 2 diabetes supplement CuraLin.

2. More Sex
Finally, single people are having sex more often than married people are, according to an analysis of collected from more than 26,000 people between 1989 and 2014. “Research has shown that women who have sex on a regular basis have longer telomeres. Telomeres are the end caps on your DNA like the ends on a shoelace, and longer telomeres are associated with a longer lifespan. So having regular sex can help you to stay younger for longer,” adds Marilyn Glenville, the author of The Natural Health Bible For Women.

3. More Time For Self-Care
“Self-care gives us access to a better version of ourselves. Proactively tending to yourself with self-care gives you the best possible chance of being the person you aspire to be, behaving in way contingent with your values, boosting our self-esteem and the health of our relationships,” advises qualified Psychologist working with ThinkWell LiveWell, Suzy Reading.

Pop your headphones in and unwind with the new mindfulness toolkit, ThinkWell-LiveWell. There are a number of programs available, including a ‘Stress-Busting Playbook’ – who knew that there were so many easy things you can do to manage stress?

4. Richer Social Lives
Many single people embrace their single lives and are likely to experience more psychological growth and development than married people, according to research.

5. You Can Get Your Beauty Sleep
You don’t have to put up with snoring partners, what a result! A night of good sleep helps you look and feel better, so starfish and get those 8 hours in. “People who have less than five hours sleep a night tend to have more physical ailments, such as headaches and stomachs upsets and also undergo changes in metabolism similar to those occurring with normal ageing. Small wonder many of us look worse for wear after a poor night’s sleep!

You can spend a fortune on anti-ageing skin creams, but you need to sleep well to have healthy, glowing skin. When you’re fast asleep, the body goes into repair mode and regenerates skin, blood and brain cells, as well as muscles,” adds Marilyn Glenville.

6. Revenge Body
If you’re recently single, that’s ok; this often results in a kiss-ass comeback. If like Khloé Kardashian, you want to sweat your heartbreak and anger out remember, “Optimal nutrient intake before exercising will not only help you maximize your performance but also minimize muscle damage. Ideally, you should try to eat a meal containing carbs, protein and fat 2–3 hours before you exercise.

In some cases, you may not be able to get in a full meal 2-3 hours before working out. So if you eat around one hour prior to your workout, choose foods that are simple to digest and contain small fats, complex carbs and some protein. For example a sliced apple with nut butter or the Natures Plus Vegan Power Protein (£36.75), mixed with nut milk, kale and bananas.”

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