Urwerk will be giving a unique UR-103 Phoenix timepiece made of white gold and hand-decorated to the Only Watch Auction 2011

The human body has to be one of the most beautiful machines that there is. But like any fine-tuned piece of machinery, it is not without failings that can sometimes carry painful consequences, such as the devastating effects of Duchenne muscular dystrophy.

The doctors and researchers whose sterling work has helped to improve the lives of so many sufferers of this genetic disorder have shown an extraordinary determination in their medical quest. At Urwerk, their forte is just balance wheels and pinions they share that very same drive and a desire to instil that little extra something in their creations investing all their passion and savoir faire. However with dedication and know how, they must add the financial means necessary to make progress.

That is why Felix Baumgartner, master watchmaker and Urwerk co-founder, announced Urwerk’s presence at Only Watch, the charity auction to benefit research into Duchenne muscular dystrophy, held in Monaco on the 22nd of September 2011, under the patronage of HSH Prince Albert II.

A special Urwerk UR-103 Phoenix from Jean-Vincent Huguenin

As an expression of commitment to the Only Watch cause, Urwerk will be auctioning an Urwerk UR-103 Phoenix, a unique timepiece made of white gold and hand-decorated by master engraver maker Jean-Vincent Huguenin, one of the most gifted artists in this field.Fascinated by universal cultures and legends, Jean-Vincent did not take long to decide on the theme of this mythical bird, revered in Ancient Greece as well as being a legendary hero in China and Japan. In his steady hand, Jean-Vincent has been able to conjure up one of Urwerk’s iconic creations and give it a new, universal dimension. And so, in recognition of all those engaged in the battle to save children from muscular dystrophy, the Urwerk UR-103 Phoenix sports that most quintessential symbol of resistance and resilience: A phoenix rising from the flames.

“In our daily lives we all have objects that are slightly talismanic,” says watch artist and URWERK co-founder Martin Frei. “We love to have them at our side, in touching distance. Without giving them a mystical value, we assign them a virtue, an ‘aura’. With this in mind, we have designed the Urwerk UR-103 Phoenix as a veritable talisman – a source of energy for its future owner.”