For Britons contemplating a European move or affluent ex-pats already relocating as a resident, Portugal continues to buck the property market as an increasingly attractive proposition, offering an enviable mix of quality of life and fiscal benefits alongside a thriving real estate sector for people investing from the UK.

The Golden Visa and the D7 Visa, commonly known as the retirement or passive income visa, offer an excellent and safe lifestyle to affluent ex-pats and investors in Portugal.

They serve as a lucrative gateway to Portuguese residency. But what distinguishes Portugal is its Non-Habitual Residency (NHR) tax scheme, which offers 0% tax on non-Portugal-derived income such as dividends, capital gains, and rent, and a modest 10% pension income for ten years.

These fiscal incentives make Portugal a sunny getaway and a prudent financial move for British high-net-worth individuals.

Savvy buyers, affluent ex-pats from the UK and investors can have a detailed look and discover Portugal’s most desirable and booming property hotspots in a new independent report set to be revealed in October.

The in-depth study is designed to showcase the best places for international investors and affluent ex-pats to get the most out of the country while benefiting from the nation’s visa opportunities alongside the Non-Habitual Residency (NHR) tax regime.

The report, Portugal Property Hotspots Survey Report 2023-25, is published by Property Market-Index, an international real estate research company that monitors and evaluates different global real estate markets worldwide. These findings will be launched and published on a dedicated webinar on Tuesday, 3rd October 2023.

Property Market-Index’s Amanda Collison said, “The Portuguese luxury property market shows no signs of dwindling, with one of the main drivers being high interest from international investors and affluent ex-pats buying property in Portugal for both lifestyle, pleasure and investment.

“The Algarve and Lisbon regions have been particularly strong, especially with investors capitalising on a growing Portuguese real estate market and retirees taking advantage of the D7 visa – often referred to as the passive income or retirement visa – in conjunction with the NHR tax regime.”

The webinar is being hosted by Portugal Pathways, a leading international consultancy and online platform with offices in London, Lisbon and the Algarve, specialising in Portuguese visa, tax and investment options and how best to capitalise on the country’s enticing tax incentives for UK ex-pats.

Taking place on Tuesday, 3rd October, 2023, at 10.30 a.m. Lisbon and London time, the webinar will highlight regional trends, emerging property hotspots, and the anticipated trajectory of real estate prices.

The country’s popularity has been fuelled by the likes of its Golden Visa, the D7 visa programme (also known as the Retirement or Passive Income visa) alongside the NHR tax regime – which offers 0% tax on non-Portugal derived passive income such as dividends, royalties, rental income and capital gains – and just 10% flat tax rate on pension income for those domiciled in the country.

According to Portugal Pathways, those high-net-worth clients who use its partners’ proprietary wealth plan early enough during their tax-domiciled life in Portugal can achieve an average tax rate of just 3.8% for up to 20 years.

The webinar will feature an expert panel, including David Vacani, chairman of The Federation of European Independent Financial Advisors.

He said, “Portugal stands as a beacon of stability and opportunity for wealthy UK citizens seeking a better life in Portugal with great tax, investment and real estate opportunities to explore. Between its robust property market and advantageous tax regimes like the NHR, it offers a unique blend of lifestyle and financial benefits that are hard to find elsewhere.”

Attendees will hear an in-depth discussion on the nuances of the NHR tax system, where they can gain insights into achieving tax efficiency while residing in Portugal, as well as the unveiling of the Property Market Index’s report.

All attendees will receive a complimentary PDF copy of the full report, providing a resource for future planning and investment.

A spokesperson for Portugal Pathways added, “If you’re an international investor or an affluent ex-pat residing in Portugal or considering Portugal for its investment opportunities or lifestyle advantages, this webinar promises to arm you with the information you need to make informed decisions.

“Given its relevance and the high-profile panel involved, this is one event you won’t want to miss.”

Register here for the event and receive a FREE copy of Property Market-Index’s Portugal Hotspots report.

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