As we move towards summer and the temperatures increase, staying hydrated when working from home is essential. We’ve tried two health-focused products: the ION8 leakproof water bottle with fruit infuser and ZeroWater filter which are designed to make ordinary tap water better for you and more flavoursome.

For many months, millions of people have been at home, working away on computers and adapting to a new life. While doing this, we shouldn’t forget one of the most important factors to keep us going and remain healthy, drinking sufficient water.

We believe everyone reading this knows the importance of drinking water regularly during the day. Eighty per cent of one’s brain is made of the stuff, and like other parts of your body, it requires fuel to function. Drinking water helps to improve your concentration, balances your moods and emotions, reduces stress and helps your memory to stay in tip-top shape. All of these are necessary to ensure you’re working at optimum levels at home.

Below are some products we feel you should have in your arsenal to make working from home easier:

The ZeroWater water filter
For fans of plain water, let us tell you about the ZeroWater Filter. This filter is a step above many other products with highfalutin claims as it removes 99.6% of all the impurities found in standard tap water. The water is filtered to such a high degree; it is the equivalent of purified bottled water and doesn’t come with a hefty price tag.

The Zerowater uses 5-stage Ion Exchange Technology as opposed to the standard carbon only filters. In simple terms, the ZeroWater can remove almost all detectable dissolved solids (TDS) which is impressive when compared to other off-the-shelf filters which only remove around 50%. For extra peace of mind, it also has a laboratory-grade digital meter showing how much of the solids have been dissolved.

It’s an excellent, non-pricey addition to your office and should help you to function at maximum brain capacity while working from home.

  • The 7 Cup – £24.99
  • The 12 Cup – £39.99
  • The 23 Cup Filtration Dispenser – £44.99

All the options above are available via ZeroWater.

ION8 Leakproof Bottle with fruit infuser
Many of us working from home tend to opt for a quick fix of sugary coffee, and in many ways, it does keep you hydrated. However, it’s not exactly the best thing to be drinking. The ION8 bottle is the perfect healthy alternative with its optional fruit infuser basket. By using the bottle and the infuser basket, you’ll get all the goodness with added flavour and nutrients!

The ION8 bottle is well-made with a simple to operate button and a very-handy locking mechanism. It is said to be 100% leakproof all the time, and I put it to the test with some vigorous shaking. Good news, it did precisely what was stated, not a drop leaked out!

ION8 Fruit Infuser.

The infuser basket slides into the top of the ION8 and sits vertically inside. The basket is designed to hold your favourite fruits and vegetables, adding flavour to the water in a matter of minutes.

To get the best results, don’t do what we did, which was to stuff it with orange segments and leave it in the refrigerator overnight. For the best results, infuse your selection in room temperature. You should also slice harder fruits and vegetables thinner for the best results.

Give it a stir and leave it for twenty minutes to let the flavours permeate. If you want an even stronger flavour, leave it for a couple of hours. You shouldn’t expect the same super-sweet flavour you get in a bottled fruit drink as you’ll be consuming natural goodness and not a list of sugars and never-heard-of chemicals.

With the right ingredients, you can create a tasty drink which will be ideal for the home office, a walk or exercising. In our opinion, if you’re going to purchase the ION8 bottle, it definitely makes sense to add the fruit infuser option to the ‘mix’.

The ION8 Leakproof (350ml, 500ml, 750ml or 1000ml) Bottle is available to buy online for £8.99 – £17.49 from Leakproof.

The ION8 Fruit Infuser is available to buy online for (Small) £4.99, (Large) £5.99 here.

Read more health-related articles in our dedicated section here.