Lucy Campbell is a six-time British Women’s Surfing Champion and dryrobe brand ambassador and had her eyes firmly locked on hopefully representing her country at what was meant to be this year’s Tokyo Olympic Games.

She shared her thoughts with Sabi Phagura on why a changing of the goalposts shouldn’t mean all doom and gloom.

“All of us are adjusting, and we are going through phases of sadness, and we are finding our new norms,” reflects Lucy. “I know (and I count my lucky stars) that deep down, I have not been too affected by the craziness. I think at times; we have all struggled to get our heads around what is going on. Despite these worries, a little penny dropped in my mind that eased my feelings, and I’m hoping I can help you too.”

Here are a few tips from Lucy Campbell to help get you through these more challenging times.

1. Invest in yourself and set small achievable goals
A couple of weeks ago, I realised that, if I just take things week by week, and have just one focus at a time, I can set my heart on just that. I had a small achievable goal to reach for, and the uncertainty seemed less daunting, so on week one, I put my focus on ME. The best advice I was given last year, (I was going through a tough break up at the time) is that the best thing you can possibly do is invest time in yourself, and so I mostly meditated (I use the headspace app) and took the time to have a little step back and reflect.

I spent time doing the little things that made me happiest; whether that’s slow morning coffees, cuddles with my puppy, listening to music, reading (I highly recommend the medium app), or baking with my mum. I put all my focus on everything that I am grateful for with yoga and easy workouts thrown in too. Of course, I still had work to do, but as I’m self-employed, I set aside a few hours a day to get the essentials done.

2. Don’t let that ‘to-do’ list get the better of you. Instead, spend quality time with those around you.
As time has passed, I hope I speak on behalf of everyone in saying that things have got a bit easier. I no longer feel guilty for not tackling my to-do list by mid-morning. I cannot train how I usually would, but I’m still finding ways to pursue surfing the best I can. I’m still doing home workouts, skating, running, and occasionally I can get in the ocean, which is more than some countries at the moment.

One thing I have loved doing is helping my mum and dad build their dream garden. I’m usually home for fleeting visits, so it feels really good to repay them with my time after all the weekends they spent driving me around the country for various competitions when I was younger.

3. Do what makes you happy
With the right mindset, we can take this opportunity and spin it positively. We finally have the chance to get engrossed in our passions or hobbies, and we can learn the value in taking ME time.

Next week, I’ll be doing what I can to keep me happy – whether that’s getting the sewing machine out again, practicing my Spanish, or getting my taxes done! Having said all this, the most important message from me is this: “You don’t have to come out of this any better, any fitter or anymore any educated than when lockdown started, you just have to look after yourself.”

Some good words of advice from Lucy!