Gyms and leisure centres may have reopened now, but not everyone is comfortable with walking through the turnstile of their local club. And while it was challenging to get hold of equipment to use at home during the lockdown, there’s no longer a problem with getting hold of supplies. Sabi Phagura has been looking into Meglio, suppliers of a range of fitness equipment.

There were already countless suppliers of fitness equipment in the market prior to the pandemic and the number has become even greater over the past sixteen months. However, very few in the market can boast of being a supplier to organisations such as the NHS and the Ministry of Defence. This is what separates Meglio from others and if their products meet the high standards of those two institutions, they warrant a closer look by us.

The Covid-19 pandemic has shed a huge spotlight on the importance of looking after one’s health. The closure of fitness and leisure centres wreaked havoc on health enthusiasts’ workout routines forcing them to look for alternate ways to keep fit, but it also prompted others to seriously focus on the lack of their own healthy lifestyle choices.

With so much time on their hands, there was a gradual increase in motivation to overcome our dependence on the gym and larger fitness equipment. Working out from home became practical and a vital part of our routine to address both physical and psychological issues.

The lockdown also saw a shift in the type of fitness we engage in. Our obsession with heavy weightlifting and cardio was replaced with strength training exercises with a range of exercises equipment that is portable and lightweight so you can use it in whatever space you have available. And this is where suppliers of fitness equipment such as Meglio has seen a growth in their product sales.

In Italian, Meglio translates as ‘better’ or ‘best’. The online physiotherapy equipment retailer sells sports physio, fitness, and home workout equipment, offering a large array of resistance bands, foam rollers, specialist medical grade equipment and other home fitness essentials. For those who see fitness as a chore, Meglio aims to help make getting fitter, faster and more flexible and enjoyable.

Their lightweight equipment makes it easy to take it with you wherever your base is – be that at home, an apartment, a hotel room or even on the beach. And there is a variety of colours to perk you up or help you get into the ‘flow’.

Meglio is not a new start-up and has been supplying to the NHS since 2017 as well as private physiotherapists and the Ministry of Defence.

Having tested out a range of equipment (both at home and on my travels) on initial appearance and usage, they feel robust enough to last.

So no, you don’t necessarily need a gym to get fitter, faster and more flexible. Our muscles are prone to injuries, strains, pain and spasms, so it helps to strengthen them as early as possible.

Fitness is not just about burning calories and obtaining that perfect beach body and goes much deeper than appearance.

The human body is not so dissimilar to a vehicle and needs regular maintenance to keep it functioning. By using products like Meglio, you can certainly help it to move at its best. Strength, mobility, balance and overall fitness is key to get the best out of your body. You only have one, so it pays to look after it.

Meglio – Where and How?

For more information on the company and to view their full range of products which can be purchased online, including grid foam rollers, resistance loop bands, yoga mats, and massagers, please visit their website

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