Many things that are part and parcel of everyday life can cause Dry Eye Disease, including ageing, looking at a computer screen for long periods of time, wearing contact lenses, air-conditioning, drinking alcohol, taking certain medicines and more. It is a condition that deserves attention because, if ignored, it could negatively impact your sight. Treating it is vital, and in this feature, we will look at seven ways to reduce its impact and ultimately prevent it.

A new research report titled, Look Around: The Potentially Devastating Consequence Of Dry Eye Disease by Rohto Dry Aid has revealed that one in two Brits has experienced the symptoms of Dry Eye Disease, and surprisingly, half of Brits have never heard of it, despite 50% enduring the bothersome symptoms of this potentially sight-destroying condition.[1]

Dry Eye Disease, also known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca, occurs when tears cannot provide enough lubrication for the eyes, so as the name suggests, it results in dry eyes. Allergies, weather, pollution, air conditioning, screens, lenses and hormonal changes are just some of the potential causes of Dry Eye Disease.

Optometrist Francesca Marchetti, an advisor to Rohto Dry Aid, explains that ignoring the symptoms of Dry Eye Disease – which can be extremely painful and uncomfortable – can be problematic.

“In time, it can cause damage to the eye, including an increased risk of eye infections, plus it can lead to an increase in headaches, poor mental health due to eye pain and vision issues, anxiety, difficulty with overall vision, blurry vision and even blindness.”

Worryingly, though, 21% of Brits admit they just let symptoms sort themselves out[2] without seeking help, according to the research report.

Dry Eye Disease: The signs to look out for

According to the Rohto Dry Aid research report, Brits experience various symptoms of Dry Eye Disease. Half (50 %) said they had dry eyes, 49 % had tired eyes, and 48% had itchy eyes. Scratchy eyes were also a common symptom, as were watery eyes, blurred vision, red eyes and stinging. Headaches, gritty eyes and eyes that were sensitive to light were also symptoms which respondents experienced.[3]

However, in saying this, 68% of those questioned in the real-world research poll detailed in the Rohto Dry Aid research report were actually unaware of what eye problem was causing their symptoms[4].

Optometrist Ashley Atwal, a user of Rohto Dry Aid, reiterates, “It’s important to seek help if you’re experiencing any of the symptoms of Dry Eye because if it’s not treated, it can cause quite serious eye damage. Go for a product that is clinically proven and treats both types of Dry Eye Disease – ADDE and EDE. Rohto Dry Aid ticks all the boxes because it is clinically proven, treats both types of Dry Eye Disease, and was created by the world leaders[5] in eye health – Rohto Pharmaceuticals.”

Seven ways to sort dry eye disease

Use Rohto Dry Aid
Help is at hand with Rohto Dry Aid, a clinically proven eye drop treatment for Dry Eye Disease from the world leaders in eyecare, Rohto Pharmaceuticals.

“Rohto Dry Aid is one of the few Dry Eye Disease treatments that focus on both types of Dry Eye, Aqueous-Deficient Dry Eye (ADDE) and Evaporative Dry Eye (EDE),” explains Francesca Marchetti. “The majority of dry eye relief products available are only designed for Aqueous Deficient Dry Eye. Yet 85% of Dry Eye cases[6] are EDE.”

Rohto Dry Aid provides fast, soothing relief for up to 12 hours, and it provides relief for the eight main symptoms of Dry Eye Disease, including dryness, soreness, itchiness, irritation, burning, grittiness, stinging and tiredness. In fact, A UK user trial involving 107 adults suffering from Dry Eye Disease symptoms found that 97% of the volunteers reported symptom relief in two minutes or less when using Rohto Dry Aid.

Turn down the Heating
“Central heating and air conditioning can really impact your eye health, leading to symptoms of Dry Eye Disease,” says Francesca Marchetti. “Try using a humidifier and dropping the temperature on your heating.”

Wear wraparound Glasses
Outside? Windy, smoky and dusty environments won’t do our eyes any favours, as particles can enter the eye area, causing damage. Wraparound glasses can help to protect the eyes from these conditions.

Assess your Meds
Some medications can make symptoms of Dry Eye Disease worse. “If possible, talk to your GP about alternative options to medication that exacerbates Dry Eye, such as topical and systemic antihistamines, tricyclic antidepressants, SSRIs, diuretics and beta blockers,” says Francesca Marchetti.

Try the 20: 20: 20 Rule
A staggeringly high 56 % of Brits spend at least 5 hours looking at screens[7]. “Rest periods are so important when using a screen such as a phone, computer or TV. Even when you’re reading for long periods of time, you should factor in rest periods to blink. Every 20 minutes, look at something that’s 20 feet away from you for 20 seconds,” says Francesca Marchetti.

Wipe off all Makeup
The Rohto Dry Aid research found that 27% of women believed eye makeup could trigger a flare-up of Dry Eye Disease[8]. “If your eyes are sore, avoid aggravating the eyes by keeping eyes clear of makeup, and when removing makeup, wipe across the eyelids gently,” adds Francesca Marchetti.

Take your lenses Out
Switch to glasses when you can to give your eyes a break. “You may even be able to switch to lenses that don’t cause Dry Eye Disease,” adds Ashley Atwal.

Francesca Marchetti adds, “Practising these simple tips, alongside using Rohto Dry Aid, helps to break the painful cycle of Dry Eye Disease.”


  • [1] Look Around: The Potentially Devastating Consequence Of Dry Eye Disease; includes real-world data – Perspectus Global; 1000 respondents polled; July 2023; Edition 1
  • [2] Look Around: The Potentially Devastating Consequence Of Dry Eye Disease; includes real-world data – Perspectus Global; 1000 respondents polled; July 2023; Edition 1
  • [3] Look Around: The Potentially Devastating Consequence Of Dry Eye Disease; includes real-world data – Perspectus Global; 1000 respondents polled; July 2023; Edition 1
  • [4] Look Around: The Potentially Devastating Consequence Of Dry Eye Disease; includes real-world data – Perspectus Global; 1000 respondents polled; July 2023; Edition 1
  • [5] Euromonitor International Limited; Consumer Health Eye Care definition, retail value share, 2022 data
  • [6]
  • [7] Perspectus Global; 1000 respondents polled; July 2023
  • [8] Perspectus Global; 1000 respondents polled; July 2023

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