AI grief is the anxiety and fear of the increasingly sophisticated technology of artificial intelligence and the fear that it may overtake some, if not most, of our human roles. It is something that we could never have imagined, and after the surreal experience of a pandemic and lockdown, we now have AI creating more uncertainty for our future, now than ever.

It’s no wonder we are apprehensive—AI is actually starting to speak with emotion and exhibit emotional responses. The media is filled with AI news and how it will replace humanity by 2030, and we already see the loss of jobs as AI learns to mimic human beings.

We do know that there is currently AI-generated fake news and misinformation; therefore, we still have to use our intellect and instinct to sift through it, but AI is becoming more sophisticated by the second.

Many of us are not technically savvy and may want to remain unchanging in a changing world-creatures of habit, comforted by the familiar and thriving on working alongside one another, enjoying our human interactions.

But change is inevitable and becoming more rapid – seemingly without brakes. But through all this, we must remember that innovation does provide the opportunity for discovery, growth and progress.

There are many great things that AI will bring to us – it will save time, it can write scripts and blogs, it can teach us things we don’t know and describe how things work. There is no end to what it will be able to do eventually, but it can never replace the feeling of community.

Humans are tribal, we can see this as we look back through the ages, and we only have to look at a football match to see tribes at their strongest.

We can bury our heads in the sand, or we can look at AI as something we should try and work with to utilise those aspects that enhance our environments, which will ultimately free up more time with family, socialising and recreation. Several years ago, everyone was on a quest for more recreational time, yet we seem to be working more hours than ever.

AI will make us question ourselves, especially if we identify strongly with our job or profession and that feeling of being needed, thinking it will all fall apart if we’re not there. This is absolutely going to change. AI systems, though, will always lack a conscience and can never create a personal attachment; therefore, their emotional responses will never be an authentic emotional exchange.

Can human nature be mimicked when we are all totally unique individuals with unique fingerprints? AI can only, at best, be a huge pot containing a section of human responses, perhaps with a few geniuses thrown in.

One of the most beautiful things in human nature is its creation and unfolding in each given day, and I hope that I will always be able to think for myself, create myself and push my own boundaries.

If we don’t understand something, there will always be fear, and it’s better to swim with the tide and find the windows of opportunity. Even though AI will take many jobs over, there will be new jobs created, and it is always a good idea to investigate these opportunities and learn new skills so you won’t be left behind. It keeps the brain active and young :)

I have always believed that we spend too much time living in the past, projecting into the future and missing out on the blessing and experiences of each day.

As amazing as AI may be, there will never be a replacement for the soul, spirit, urges or instinct of human nature, and AI could actually send us back to a simple life, back to nature.

Lianna Champ is the guest author of this feature.

Lianna Champ (below) has over 40 years of experience as a grief and funeral care specialist and is the author of the practical guide, How to Grieve Like A Champ.

Read more guest features and guides here.