Thomas Frake has paired up with Wren Kitchens to create a brand new version of Rachel Green from Friends’ Shepherd’s Pie Trifle. The good news is that this one is sweet, quite simple to make and delicious!

We’ll bet many fans of the Friends TV show still wince when thinking about the trifle Rachel Green made for Thanksgiving. In that memorable episode, she used one part Shepherd’s Pie, complete with meat peas and mashed potato, coupled with English Trifle!

Thankfully, Masterchef winner Thomas Frake has created a gourmet version of the Friends’ Shepherd’s Pie Trifle along with some other well-known TV dishes which are available via the link at the end of this article.

The Friend’s “Shepherd’s Pie” Trifle made palatable
(Serves 4)


  • 2 large chocolate brownies or chocolate muffins
  • 25ml cold espresso coffee
  • 200ml double cream
  • 200ml whole milk
  • 2 x eggs
  • 50g icing sugar
  • 50g dark chocolate
  • 400ml double cream
  • 100g icing sugar
  • 1 tbsp. vanilla paste

1. For the base, crumble the chocolate brownies or muffins into a bowl. Pour over the cold coffee, sit, and leave to soak for fifteen minutes in the fridge.

2. For the custard, over low heat, bring the cream and the milk to a simmer in a saucepan. DO NOT LET It BOIL! Meanwhile, whisk the eggs and the icing sugar together in a bowl. Pour over the hot cream and milk, whisking continuously until the custard thickens.

Be careful not to let the custard catch the bottom of the pan. Once thickened, add the dark chocolate to the custard and stir to melt through until dark and glossy. Now refrigerate it for at least two hours.

Thomas Frake.

3. For the topping, add the cream to a stand mixer or bowl and sift over the sugar. Add the vanilla and whisk vigorously until stiff.

Do not go beyond the stiff peak stage, or you’ll risk separating the cream into butter and buttermilk. Transfer the whipped cream to a piping bag and refrigerate.

4. To assemble the trifle, divide the coffee-soaked crumble between four small trifle glasses, spoon over the cold custard, pipe over the whipped cream and then refrigerate for another thirty minutes before serving.

This dessert was, of course, inspired by the iconic dish made by Rachel Green in the Friend’s TV show. Unlike Monica, Phoebe, Chandler (let’s leave out Joey as he’ll eat anything), you don’t have to worry about beef and mash in this updated gourmet version but can instead enjoy the creamy flavours paired cleverly with sharp coffee and delicious brownie.

Rachel’s Shepherd’s Pie Trifle isn’t the only iconic TV dish Thomas has reimagined. he’s also done the same for the Krabby Patty from SpongeBob SquarePants, and Bruce Bogtrotter’s Chocolate Cake from Matilda.

For more information about Wren Kitchen’s partnership with Thomas Frake and to try your hand at the other fictional food recipes, click here.

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