The festive season is a happy time; however, it doesn’t take much for stress levels to rise and for people to feel exhausted. Fortunately, some companies specialise in bringing calm and tranquillity into the lives of people, and one of them is the natural luxury scent brand Volant.

Each year, I watch my wife frantically preparing food in the kitchen, ignoring all offers to help, worrying over whether she purchased the right present for a loved one, and all the while, her stress levels are ramping upwards. Sadly, this is something that frequently goes hand-in-hand with the season of goodwill.

The festive season isn’t just about giving. For many, it’s simply a time for receiving, which is another cause of rising stress levels. Buying things blindly online or traipsing around shops, filled with frantic people, all trying to find the perfect presents, is often a recipe for disaster. And if you do find what you think is an ideal present, you might be the only person thinking this and what you give is likely to find its way under another person’s tree the following year!

Finding ways to remain upbeat, calm and collected is far from a simple task. Personally, I have the advantage of a high-tech hand band that puts my mind into a calm state and helps me forget how crazy this world has become. Most reading this feature will likely not have access to this type of tech, so I decided to find more straightforward solutions, and this is where Volant can help.

Something that won’t come as a revelation to many is that in a YouGov poll, a quarter of the UK population found Christmas to be a more challenging time than the rest of the year, claiming that it has a moderate (19% of respondents) or severe (7%) negative impact on their mental health. One tried and tested method to improve one’s mental well-being is surrounding yourself with different scents. With that in mind, I wanted to know what the experts at Volant recommend to help restore some inner balance.

Volant says, “The ancient practice of aromatherapy offers a powerful natural remedy for stress relief, targeting one of our most prominent senses: smell. Our olfactory system is directly connected to the part of the brain that is responsible for emotions which is why scents can evoke moods and memories. Certain essential oils, when diffused throughout spaces in your home, are the ultimate tool for changing up the atmosphere and helping you to achieve a state of bliss.”

Below are Volants picks of essential oils that could make Christmas a much more calm time.

One of Volant’s most popular essential oils is lavender, which is known for its anxiolytic or anti-anxiety properties. Lavender oil effectively reduces stress, which makes it an ideal choice for use in diffusers or sprays, and it can even be applied directly to the skin as part of your beauty routine. Volant’s Organic Lavender Essential Oil is sourced from lavender grown in Bulgaria. The steam distillation of the flower transforms it into a 100% pure, vegan and natural essential oil with no artificial ingredients.

Produced from the peel of a citrus fruit known as Citrus bergamia, bergamot essential oil is simultaneously soothing and uplifting. According to a 2017 study, patients in a mental health treatment centre’s waiting room experienced a significant mood boost when they inhaled bergamot oil for 15 minutes. The 100% pure, natural, vegan Organic Bergamot Essential Oil by volant is sourced from Italy and is perfect for diffusing throughout your indoor spaces. Pair it with one of volant’s luxurious porcelain aroma diffusers for maximum relaxation.

Relax Oil Blend
Created by volant’s in-house team of essential oils experts, the Relax blend features essential oils of palmarosa, ylang-ylang, eucalyptus, and grapefruit. The uniquely crafted blend brings to mind the soothing atmosphere of a tranquil garden for the ultimate relaxation. The scent is both exotic and calming. Use it to reset the mood within your home or promote a state of calm during a meditation session.

Whatever way you choose to enjoy the festive season, I hope that you do it in a safe and enjoyable way. For some, there will be a large amount of stress that will come with it. I  hope that the above guide will provide you with some simple ways to keep the stress to a minimum so you can enjoy the season of goodwill in the way it was originally envisaged.

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