A guide to getting featured in Luxurious Magazine

As of 2024, we have made the decision to publish more content than in previous years to create a more diverse spread of topics for our readers. In addition, based on the number of enquiries we receive, we have, for the first time, introduced Sponsored Content options; more information on this can be found here.

We will produce the same quantity of uniquely written editorial pieces via our team, and we will be doing our best from 2024 onwards to increase this.

In the main, we take the news articles sent to us and write carefully crafted pieces around them, maintaining the context and facts and presenting them in a way that we believe our readers want to see.

Over the years, we have built and maintained excellent relationships with many brands and agencies, and some choose to send their news directly to us before releasing it to the wider market. By them choosing to do this, it greatly increases their chances of the piece being published immediately.

We would also advise you to please consider the following:

  • Consider whether the content you are submitting is suitable for Luxurious Magazine.
  • Direct your email to someone in the editorial team.
  • Provide easy access to relevant images, either by attaching some hi-res images or a link to where we can download some.
  • Our WeTransfer channel for sending text and images is: https://luxury.wetransfer.com/.

The above will not guarantee you will be published, but it will increase your chances. For people working in the public relations industry, click here to learn about our audience reach and here to learn about our ethos.

For more information on any of the above, please contact the Managing Editor, Paul Godbold, via paul@luxrs.com.