Why The Religion of Self-Enlightenment is a Must-Read in These Times

Why The Religion of Self-Enlightenment is a Must-Read in These Times

Emily Scialom’s debut novel, The Religion of Self-Enlightenment (or The ROSE as it is often now called), is a book that, once read, is never forgotten. Proving that you don’t have to pen a literary tome to make an impact, this concise tale takes readers deep into its protagonist’s exploration of his newfound self-enlightenment and mesmerises with its portrayal of a questing mind.

Self-enlightenment is a journey many millions are currently on, and Emily Scialom’s novel is the ideal companion as it delves into the history of human beliefs, looks for answers and finds them. The ROSE is one of those rare books with contents that are difficult to shake off. The book has profoundly impacted its readers, who’ve said, “If you buy one book in your life, make it this one.”

The ROSE contains a fascinating, thought-provoking, enlightening narrative that will leave readers excitedly questioning their core beliefs.

The front cover of the bookCarrick Ares grows up without any particular beliefs in anything. He is boring and proudly so. Yet when he suddenly dies in a car accident, he experiences what he feels to be the afterlife. It then causes him to go through a huge existential crisis.

The only person with whom he speaks about it is a psychiatrist, Paul Turnstone. Together, they explore Carrick’s theories about life.

Carrick goes mad and thinks that he has found the truth of existence. Struggling to dress himself hinders his adamance that he knows the answers to the biggest questions of life. He produces a book, The Religion of Self-Enlightenment, which becomes the expression of his theories. It discusses exactly how to heal the crises which are now plaguing individuals and the wider world.

Emily says, “I like to think of The ROSE, despite being extremely philosophical, as a general fiction novel with a spiritual twist. I have merged the intensely soulful aspects of my childhood hometown, Glastonbury, with the highly cerebral academic and literary excellence of Cambridge, which has predominantly been my location since 1996.

“With Carrick’s conversations with his psychiatrist focusing on many of the central themes of life – including identity, the purpose of individual existence and the idea of progress – he sadly goes insane trying to understand these vast existential questions. And it is in his insanity that he creates a new religion – The Religion of Self-Enlightenment. This is a discussion on and a reinterpretation of human religion to date.”

With standout praise from all, Amazon readers’ five-star reviews say:

“I’m not usually one for books. I get very bored of them very quickly, and it has been well over a decade since I’ve managed to finish a book. This book broke the mould for me, big time. Not only did I finish the book, but I also read it in one sitting. I was enthralled from start to finish and felt like I had gone on some spiritual journey by the final page.

“There were many moments in the book that made me go, “Someone’s put into words how I feel!” And plenty of other moments that made me go, “Huh… I’ve never looked at it that way before…” If you have to buy just one book in your life, let it be this one. I say this wholeheartedly: You owe it to yourself to go on this incredible journey.” – Space Jesus.

“Emily’s surname is pronounced ‘Shalom’, meaning ‘Peace’, which is entirely appropriate for the message she conveys via this wonderful book. Strangely, the first chapter reminded me of Candide due to the protagonist’s almost noble (if wrong-headed) determination to not engage with the world. But when that world is shattered, and the curtain is pulled back to reveal…. (well, I’ll not ruin the plot)…. The reappraisal of the meaning of life and everything is simply stunning. And inspiring. Shalom, Emily, this is a gift to the world.” – Steve M.

“A talented, brave and deeply sensitive author, Emily Scialom writes with brutal honesty, beautiful prose and a wisdom far beyond her years. An exquisite book that makes you think, challenges your existing attitudes, stretches your mind and nourishes your soul. Love this book and can’t wait for more from this amazing new talent!” – Victoria.

“This is an elegantly written book that brings to life the many questions (or plain confusions) that we, as intelligent animals, that maybe think too much, face from time to time – or not as the case may be. Nevertheless, the major modern and ancient philosophical questions are described and dealt with evenly and accessibly – at times humorously. It should pique your interest to look deeper into philosophy and the inexplicable ascent and evolution of mankind and its cultures.” – Colin D.

About the Author
The author of the book, Emily ScialomEmily says, “I was born in Hackney, London, on July 27th, 1984. While growing up in Glastonbury between the years 1986 and 1996, I became a nationally published poet at the age of eight.

“After relocating to Cambridge at the age of twelve, I subsequently became an internationally published poet in 2000.

“I attended the University of Liverpool and graduated with a 2:1 BA in Communications, Media and Popular Music in 2007. I began The ROSE in the spring of 2008.

“A labour of love emerged and was finally published in 2016. I have subsequently written six other books, from poetry collections to romance novels and historical fiction.

“My books have been featured in The Los Angeles Times Festival Of Books and The London Book Fair. I have also made several appearances on BBC Radio. Furthermore, I am a prolific singer-songwriter with an album (Glastonbury’s Child) and an EP (Audible Treasure) available on streaming sites including Spotify.”

Independently published, The Religion of Self-Enlightenment is available to purchase in paperback (ISBN No: 979-8368206851) priced at £6.99 and in Kindle format (£2.36) on Amazon.

Why The Religion of Self-Enlightenment is a Must-Read in These Times 2

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