Help Dad to hold back Father Time

Foreo UFO 2
This might not be the most obvious gift for Dad, but trust us when we tell you he’ll thank you for it. One of the aspects of being a parent is you get less time for yourself and pay less attention to how you look. The day will come when your Dad will look in the mirror and say, “Crikey! Who’s that?”

One of the best things you can give Dad on Father’s Day is an opportunity to feel good about himself.

Over time and without care and attention, our skin becomes tired looking. The Foreo UFO 2 is exciting as it does far more than a splash of water and a dab of moisturiser can. It will make cheeks plumper, tighten loose skin, reduce wrinkles and give a face more of a glow.

A browse online on specialist beauty websites throws up a whole raft of 5-star reviews. The Foreo UFO 2 hails from Korea where let’s be honest, most of the world’s best skin-care products hail from.

For tech-loving Dads, it’s also ideal as it works with a downloadable app that guides users through treatments ably assisted by the UFO’s in-built lights. So, it is not only effective it’s also fun to use.

Foreo does make a similar product specifically designed for men, but getting Dad to embrace a regular skincare routine is not the easiest of things to do. We believe the UFO 2 is an ideal Father’s Day Gift as it will not only make you Dad feel good about himself, it’s tech-based. And, as it is a unisex product, he can even share it with Mum, so she doesn’t feel left out!

The Foreo UFO 2 is priced at £249.00, and more information is available from

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