Make sure Dad always has a perfect cuppa

Ember Ceramic Mug² 10oz
Almost every Dad loves a cuppa and particularly if it’s a hot one. Let’s be honest, there aren’t many who enjoy drinking a cold or lukewarm cup of milky tea.

The Ember Ceramic Mug² is an ingenious product as it maintains the optimum temperature of the liquid for an hour and a half, or if you choose to use its charging coaster, all day!

How does it work?
What is sure to please Dads is there is technology involved. The Ember Mug connects to a mobile app, here you can set the desired drinking temperature. The app will automatically notify you when the desired temperature is reached and it will keep it at that!

Dad can save the optimum temperature for his preferred drinks, ensuring that his favourite beverage will never be too hot or too cold.

Earlier this year, we wrote an extensive review on the Ember Mug, you can read more about how it works and what it is capable of here.

The Ember Ceramic Mug² 10oz has an RRP £99.95 and is available from

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